在中國人民大學2006年出版的,約翰‧布萊恩‧斯塔爾(John B. Starr)著《毛澤東的政治哲學》(Continuing the Revolution: The Political Thought of Mao)中,頁95與97共三處以「東歐某國」代替原文中提到的南斯拉夫,另外頁95提到「三評」時,原標題的"Is Yugoslavia a Socialist Country? "亦略去不譯。「南斯拉夫」的字眼為何如此敏感,儘管並不避諱「鐵托修正主義集團」(the Tito clique)?
這類翻譯減法的另一個例子出現在楊炳章(Benjamin Yang)的《從革命到政治:長征與毛澤東的崛起》(From Revolution to Politics: Chinese Communists on the Long March)中譯本(北京:中國人民大學,2006),原文中批評北韓的部分整段被刪去,這段文字在原文書的頁266,如下:
Much better—though still not good enough—political savvy was displayed by Kim Il Sung in Korea. Under the persuasion of the Soviet Union, the Korean Communists accepted the general terms of peace in 1946. But enviously watching Mao take over China by force regardless of domestic and foreign opinions, Kim started a belated military action in 1950. The United States stepped in and the Korean War became an international issue. Korea was permanently diveded into the Communist North and the Capitalist South. On many occasions, a political game is first played as a heroic success, then repeated as a farcical fiasco.這段文字確有批評意味,最後一句話還頗帶嘲諷,近於「東施效顰」之意了,但所評所述確為事實,金日成看到毛澤東取得了「統一」中國的勝利,也想統一朝鮮半島,只不過由於美國的軍事介入而失敗了。然而,既是翻譯文字,又何須如此避諱,難道如實翻譯,有礙於中朝兩國關係保持良好?